There is a saying “Makeup is not a tool meant to make an ugly thing beautiful, it is meant to magnify the beauty that already exists.” Makeup is not just a mask on your face; it is an art, a passion, an expression. All women are pretty but with the right makeup, they can be pretty powerful. Here are some makeup hacks that you must know. This will reduce your time, give a glam look, and reduce general mistakes.
Makeup hacks:
Add volume to your Eyelash: Dust a little bit of baby powder or loose powder after applying a coat of mascara, this will increase the volume of eyelash and it won’t feel heavy.
Avoid lipstick stain on teeth: Put a finger in your mouth after applying a coat of lipstick and pull it out. This will help avoid lipstick stains on teeth.
Long-lasting Lipstick: Apply a tissue paper on your lips and then add loose powder or baby powder, on it. For better results use translucent powder.
Avoid dark circles: when you have dark circles on your face, first apply concealer in a triangle shape on it. Then lifts your eye bags if it is saggy.
Solution for no fan brush: Fan brush is used for contouring. Take an old blush brush, clean it and then insert a bobby pin across so as to give the shape of the bristle of a fan.
Fix broken lipstick: Take a lighter, and heat the lipstick till it melts in the tube. Then lightly attach the part broken with the melted part and leave it to cool and harden. Try it with broken lip gloss even.
Use pencil eyeliner as a gel: Just use a match or lighter to turn pencil eyeliner, kohl eye pencil into a get formula. Keeping it under the flame for 1 second and then let it cool. Use it as gel liner now.
Attractive eye shadow: To make your eyeshadow catchy, use a white liner to cover your eyelid, and any eyeshadow shade will pop out.
Avoid mascara marks on the upper eyelid: Take a spoon, let it hug your upper eyelid, and then apply your mascara.
Avoid acne scars: Use concealer as a part of acne scar treatment. But this is a major issue if you are suffering from acne and scars; go for an acne scar treatment, before it is too late. Clinics which provide you with the best acne scar treatment with better results should be visited. Otherwise, use some acne scar treatment creams on the areas for better results.
Reuse your flaky mascara: To remove the flakiness, add couple drops of saline solution to it. But you must use your mascara only for 3 months to avoid bacterial growth. Buy a new one.
Easy eyelash curling: Heat the curler with hairdryer prior to your lash curling, making it easy to curl and stay longer.
Make your own lip gloss: Take some loose eye shadow pigments and blend it with petroleum jelly in a spoon. Then apply on your lips.
Remove excess oil from face: Use blotting paper or toilet paper for removing the extra oil on your face.
Using highlighters: Put some highlighters on the areas of the face that are generally light prone, this gives a shiny glam look.
“Makeup is art. Beauty is the spirit”. Stay Classy and Sassy.